I am such a sauce person. I love saucy dishes, I always look for a condiment along with meat/meatball. If there isn’t any I eat yoghurt. I just can’t swallow otherwise. And now that we’re eating healthy I can’t help but make a healthified version of my husband’s favourite condiment. He’s simply crazy about ketchup. In most of the recipes online, the recipes who claim to be healthy, have sugar inside. I considered how can I replace that slightly sweet taste inside without using sugar. The obvious answer was honey. But, I came up with an another idea. The red boiling water of the redbeets I saved in the fridge for later use. It went so great with this sauce. I ended up giving the ketchup that slightly sweet taste and my ketchup had the most beautiful colour than all the other ketchups in the world. Once you try that capturing taste you will never, ever buy ketchup from the store. This is also a very light condiment with lots of vitamin that you can give to your children with ease…
4 tablespoonful tomato paste (home made)
1 – 1,5 cup of water (to give it texture)
1/2 cup sweet red beetroot boiling water
1/2 small onion (very finely grated)
1 garlic clove(smashed and pureed)
1/2 tspn sweet (or hot)red pepper
5 tblspns homemade apple vinegar
1 pinch of rock salt
Pulse all in a food processor. You have to make sure the sauce becomes nicely pureed. I suggest you consume within two weeks.