I have previously written about cheesemaking in this post. Now I am making my own cheese with lemon juice, not vinegar. I think its much tastier. One of my greatest pleasures is to modify and spice up the cheeses I’ve been making.
I have previously written about cheesemaking in this post. Now I am making my own cheese with lemon juice, not vinegar. I think its much tastier. One of my greatest pleasures is to modify and spice up the cheeses I’ve been making.
Kids love chocolate. It is as simple as that. Do you not know parents who give chocolate to their children to silence them, to keep them busy or even to feed them ? I think so too.
Good morning from a rainy Monday morning! This morning, I remembered how I used to hate Monday mornings before, I mean when I was still working. I feel a deep respect for women who work and love it.
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Tulum cheese is a very traditional cheese and grindstones of our cheese culture. Basically it’s a cheese who is ripened inside the skin of the animal whose milk is used to make cheese. Tulum means the skin of the animal.
Ask yourself, since when you haven’t seen the thick cream on fresh delicious boiling milk? When I was a child, I used to hate milk because of that thick cream and refuse to drink it.
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