Author / badeninsekeri


Dried Raisin Paste

I used to stay at my cousin’s a lot when I was in junior high school. We would talk ourselves to sleep in her dusky, warm room and have all these long and weird dreams. Then we would tell all to each other and have good long laughs.

Desserts Snacks

Dairy-Free Caramel Pops

I haven’t been able to post much due to technical issues. My laptop broke down. Its cable broke down. I broke down. 
So I have dedicated myself to a bit of summer cleaning and scrubbed every inch of the house, and mind you, I hate cleaning.


Healthy Chocolate Bars

The other day I’ve been thinking about what a beautiful community we have become. Most of the time I get suggestions and feedbacks from you and I cannot be able to tell you how much I love them.