Kids love chocolate. It is as simple as that. Do you not know parents who give chocolate to their children to silence them, to keep them busy or even to feed them ? I think so too.
Kids love chocolate. It is as simple as that. Do you not know parents who give chocolate to their children to silence them, to keep them busy or even to feed them ? I think so too.
Good morning from a rainy Monday morning! This morning, I remembered how I used to hate Monday mornings before, I mean when I was still working. I feel a deep respect for women who work and love it.
Have I ever mentioned my hubby had a crazy sweet tooth ? I think so.
He has a very tiring job, which keeps him busy for 6 days a week and afoot all day long.
Let’s continue with beetroot recipes…Here’s my favourite…Beetroot pickles…Universal recipe…They are very easy to make. They also have a special place for me.
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There is something mysterious about being a mother. I do not remember if I have mentioned it before but I remember going to Bade’s room and checking her breathing before she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
I felt something was wrong.
We had a giant walnut tree at the yard of my childhood home in Florya. I used to crack open the walnuts who fell on top of the low garage roof and eat until my stomach burst.
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