One of my readers, Ms Seda was the one who influenced me to bake a bread using walnuts. And here it is, after some research and a little development it turned out to be perfect.
One of my readers, Ms Seda was the one who influenced me to bake a bread using walnuts. And here it is, after some research and a little development it turned out to be perfect.
I think it was last year. I remember Bade and I going shopping. First we went to buy some nuts and then to a cell phone store to pay my cell phone bill.
Yesterday at the playground Bade met with a girl 3 or 4 years older than her, and with a fancy ball. Then she approached her and asked if she could play with her. The girl gave a killing look and said a big no.
That amazing looking bread you see above has no flour inside. Not very common for avid grain fans (do I need to remind our most famous dishes?) like the Turkish people, right ?
I assure you, this can be gobbled up without any guilt .
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This bread is a good alternative for those with nut allergies. We simply love sun flower seeds, so we loved the taste! And let me ask the question.
My bread experiments continue.
This time I have tried the famous Fathead dough and made a sandwich out of it.
I have to say, without exaggeration, this recipe is the most tasty bread recipe I have ever tried.
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