One of kids favourite foods, sausage. Sigh. I know.
Store version sausages are one of the most dangerous foods.
One of kids favourite foods, sausage. Sigh. I know.
Store version sausages are one of the most dangerous foods.
It’s not easy to be the mother of a small type 1, in a country where making borek (Turkish filled pastry) is considered a characteristic of a good mother.
*There is an expression called “mommy borek” in our culture.
I am so sleepless and tired today…I’ve spent all night checking Bade’s high blood sugar. She had a terrible tantrum at 01.00 am due to high sugar.
Yesterday we went to see that school I’ve mentioned on my previous post and I have to say I simply admired the place.
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Tomorrow my daughter has pogaca (some kind of empanada) in her school menu. Now here’s my calculation, one classic empanada has lots of carbs inside. I should also take into account the fruit and the drink they will give her.
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