Here is a recipe my husband likes very much. Of course there are no additives, flour or refines sugar inside. I have used dates to sweeten it up but you can easily alter it with your favourite dried fruit.
Here is a recipe my husband likes very much. Of course there are no additives, flour or refines sugar inside. I have used dates to sweeten it up but you can easily alter it with your favourite dried fruit.
Four years ago I was just like a giant orange. Everyone kept pointing at me. But I remember those days fondly because Bade was inside that giant belly. She was a storm the moment she got out.
Do you like peanut butter ? How about this cake which tastes exactly like it ? The color, the smell, the taste…this is something else! And its making is as simple as its ingredients. My dearest Bade cracked open the peanuts herself.
Ingredients; 2 eggs 1/2 cup date puree or any other natural sweetener of choice 1/2 tspn baking soda 3 tblspns milky chocolate sauce - recipe here (or 3 tblspns cream cheese + 1 heaping tblspn cocoa) 18 fresh sourcherries (pitted) 2 tblspns almond flour 3 tblspns coconut flour Instructions: (For 6 muffins) Beat the [...]
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This is the best cake I've ever made. Soft, puffy and delicious. This is why we named it cloud cake. I had to hide all the cakes I can find to be able to take a picture. But half was already gone. Flour and refined sugar free as always. I haven't even added any kind [...]
I keep telling that you don’t need wheat flour or refined sugar to be able to eat a delicious cake.
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