What goes well with a glass of almond milk ? Cookies! I had some left over pulp from the almond milk I made in the morning, so I got a little creative and made very simple refined sugar free, flourless cookies.
What goes well with a glass of almond milk ? Cookies! I had some left over pulp from the almond milk I made in the morning, so I got a little creative and made very simple refined sugar free, flourless cookies.
I have spent last night with a little monster, who could not breathe due to a stuffy nose, who refused nasal spray and remedies, then got a fever and got very grumpy due to lack of sleep.
The other night, when our reading was done and chatting began, Bade looked at me with big anxious eyes and told me:
“ Mummy don’t ever eat again OK?”
So I asked why and she replied : “Because if you eat you grow up and then you become old an
There are small joys in life. Like listening to my daughter play by herself while making a milky cup of coffee in my warm home, on a cold, windy, rainy day. And dipping my delicious smelling hazelnut and pumpkin biscotti in my coffee.
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