These cookies are raw, delicious and Bade approved. I have used %100 Giresun hazelnut paste of Bizim Yayladan, but it’s really easy to make your own at home. All you need is a food processor or a coffee grinder. Its knives should be very sharp or you will end up with hazelnut meal. I suggest you roast the hazelnuts in an ungreased pan and remove the peel for a better taste. This recipe will only make 8-10 cookies but rest assured even one is enough. They taste incredible and are very nourishing.
I do not feel like writing these days, as my life seems like a straight line with nothing interesting whatsoever. We are getting up, snuggle, eat breakfast and chat over insignificant things. Then Bade wants to play outside all day long and I spend my day watching and chasing her. Then we eat and talk, I read her something. She goes to bed. The same goes on. Just like that movie you live the same day over and over again.
I don’t mind the stillness, not when Bade is this happy and full of life. Not when her insulin needs seem to have dropped and her blood sugar is extra well. I feel good when she does. I smile when I hear her laugh. I relish the life I see in her. I cherish these days when she runs around carelessly. This is how it is supposed to be. A child must be full of life. She must be like the wind. Mischievous and fickle, alive with a thousand laughters. With stars in her eyes. I cherish her.
And I feel satisfied.
Grain-free Hazelnut Dumpling Cookies
Prep Time: 20 min
Serves:8-10 pcs
6 heaping tblspns hazelnut paste (120-150 gr)*
50 gr (10 tblspns) unsweetened shredded coconut
2 tblspns (40 gr) honey
Pinch of rock salt (optional)
1-Mix all ingredients and knead into a dough.
2-Wet your hands, tear walnut sized pieces and roll in your palms. Place on a parchment paper covered serving plate.
3-Press one hazelnut in the middle. You can serve immediately.