This waffle recipe is a bit different than the one I gave before.
You have to use the almond meal in this one. But I find this sandwich waffle especially practical, and this is Bade’s all-time favourite.
This waffle recipe is a bit different than the one I gave before.
You have to use the almond meal in this one. But I find this sandwich waffle especially practical, and this is Bade’s all-time favourite.
The oldest finding on cheesemaking from kefir grains is the oldest cheese ever found in China, in the tombs of mummies of 3600 years old. Nowadays cheesemaking from rennet is much more common. Kefir cheese is mostly unknown.
Rice, which is especially popular among Celiacs is considered gluten-free but most rice actually contain traces of gluten.
I do not remember how old I was. I only remember the mother of some neighbor child giving me a hard slap in the face. I do not also remember why. I only know I cried about how unfair it was.
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As someone who used to drink soda or fruity mineral water during breakfasts, I have to say my habits have completely changed. Thanks to my daughter of course.
I was never very much into hot beverages. I rarely drank tea.
I have had chewing and swallowing problems for as long as I remember. I cannot eat a thing without a glass of water accompanying. The food gets stuck in my throat. I think it’s genetic because my dad has the same problem too.
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