Have you ever checked the ingredients part of the clotted creams in the stores? I do not know how they do it but they even manage to make cream out of powdered milk, and they catch that slightly sweet taste with %0.8 adde sugar.
Have you ever checked the ingredients part of the clotted creams in the stores? I do not know how they do it but they even manage to make cream out of powdered milk, and they catch that slightly sweet taste with %0.8 adde sugar.
Here is a recipe my husband likes very much. Of course there are no additives, flour or refines sugar inside. I have used dates to sweeten it up but you can easily alter it with your favourite dried fruit.
“Yesterday, out of nowhere, I thought about quitting Istanbul. Such a cliché, isnt it? I bet most of you thought about the same very thing some time during your lives. But, this time I thought about it very seriously.
Four years ago I was just like a giant orange. Everyone kept pointing at me. But I remember those days fondly because Bade was inside that giant belly. She was a storm the moment she got out.
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Those matchmaking shows are driving me crazy. They should all be banned.
“A woman should be like this or that…etc etc.
I had a very full, entertaining weekend. As I am especially fond of gothic books and movies, I’ve been awaiting “Crimson Peak” movie for a long time.
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