This bread is a good alternative for those with nut allergies. We simply love sun flower seeds, so we loved the taste! And let me ask the question.
This bread is a good alternative for those with nut allergies. We simply love sun flower seeds, so we loved the taste! And let me ask the question.
I have spent last night with a little monster, who could not breathe due to a stuffy nose, who refused nasal spray and remedies, then got a fever and got very grumpy due to lack of sleep.
Do you like peanut butter ? How about this cake which tastes exactly like it ? The color, the smell, the taste…this is something else! And its making is as simple as its ingredients. My dearest Bade cracked open the peanuts herself.
When Bade wanted that chocolate pudding she saw on TV, it did not made me sad – I only saw it as an opportunity. “Of course sweetheart” I said with a smile “but those you see on TV are very filthy and and unhealthy.
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Ingredients; 2 eggs 1/2 cup date puree or any other natural sweetener of choice 1/2 tspn baking soda 3 tblspns milky chocolate sauce - recipe here (or 3 tblspns cream cheese + 1 heaping tblspn cocoa) 18 fresh sourcherries (pitted) 2 tblspns almond flour 3 tblspns coconut flour Instructions: (For 6 muffins) Beat the [...]
I am so into this sauce I am determined to use in many recipes. Which means you will get to see it a lot. This one has a denser texture than my other chocolate sauce- the bitter one. It's especially great for cake making - simply delicious as filling cream. Ingredients: 2/3 cup heavy [...]
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