As you know, coconut is one of my most used ingredients. Blood sugar friendly, with lots of fiber, a low carb rate and a great taste it has become a big favourite in our house.
As you know, coconut is one of my most used ingredients. Blood sugar friendly, with lots of fiber, a low carb rate and a great taste it has become a big favourite in our house.
I was so surprised when I read about how UHT milk was dangerous to health in Beslenme Bulteni. Ever since that day the advice from dear Pr Dr Ahmet Aydin :”Prefer raw milk and consume it as kefir and yogurt.” became my motto.
There is something mysterious about being a mother. I do not remember if I have mentioned it before but I remember going to Bade’s room and checking her breathing before she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
I felt something was wrong.
We had a giant walnut tree at the yard of my childhood home in Florya. I used to crack open the walnuts who fell on top of the low garage roof and eat until my stomach burst.
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Ingredients :
1/2 cup of hazelnut/almond meal
1/2 cup of shredded coconuts
2 eggs
1/2 tspn baking powder
1 smashed banana
1 tspn carob molasses
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Mix them all with a wooden spoon, fill muffin molds and cook in a
If your kid is a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, you hope and wait for a miraculous recovery – whether you like or not. It’s called the process of denial. Even tough i am aware of it, i cannot help myself.
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